Tuesday, March 31, 2015


The witch hazels are blooming.  Here is a yellow one near "V".
This orange one is tucked into a corner of one of the Abington courtyards.
The first two are not native, and this one was planted as a native, but blooming in March not November?  It must be an Ozark witch hazel, which is native to the midwest.
I counted at least 24 crocus in bloom on the Loop Trail, but did not see any bees on them.
Not a witch, just a crow on the roof.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Revue, Part 2

A monologue entitled "New Kid on the Block" performed by a newcomer to Foulkeways.
A great lip-sync to "Cellophane Man".
These two did a great job with "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better".
"Who Do You Love I Hope" 
"The Last Time I saw Paris", sweetly sung by this 30+ year old.
I am sure you never heard "Side by Side" sung quite like this before.
The evening closed with the cast singing "There's No Business Like Show Business", and the audience applauding!

Spring Revue, Part 1

This year our former Valentine Show turned into the Spring Revue, with live and lip-sync performances.
Here is the show's producer opening the festivities.
First performance was a sing-a-long.
Our four hearty sailors performing "There is nothing Like a Dame", and we even got to see "a dame".
In a more serious vein a performance of a Haydn Trio.
There was even a silent announcer who "announced" each performance with a sign.
And here she is performing "I Enjoy Being a Girl"!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Last Snow, We hope

We had a heavy wet snow of several inches on the first day of Spring.
By 10 in the morning this was the cedar tree.

And the same tree by 3 in the afternoon.
A plow goes up Perimeter Road.
Pity the poor crocus, but they recovered nicely.
I'm sure I heard this Junco say it's getting deep out here.
Those white streaks are snow flakes streaming past this Carolina wren.
And the titmouse working for peanuts.
Can you find the chickadee?
Starling on the suet.
And as always we love to see this bright male cardinal brighten up any snow scene.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Here is the latest on the sunroom construction progress.
Progress towards Spring.  Aconites are blooming in "H"!
Crocus next to the wall of my apartment.  Spring might come even this year.

Monday, March 9, 2015


All five are alive!
Our beekeepers braved the snow and checked on our beehives over the weekend.  All then hives were fed, since nothing is blooming yet. Watch for the maples to bloom soon.
And for those of you who are still enamored with the beauty of the snow a few more snow scenes.
Only 10 more days till spring!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Art Show - Orion

Our annual resident-employee art show is now on exhibit in the Community Center.  The Preamble in the April-May issue of Orion magazine could be a preamble to our Art Show.
"Yet we have one gift in incredible abundance that they (other animals) do not have: imagination."
"They have done so in order to make sense of what it means to be in the world."
Chess set
Some are small.
Many hang on the walls.
Employees as well as residents exhibit.
Visit the show, and read Orion.

Friday, March 6, 2015

March Snow

This was the early morning scene from my window.
Same tree later in the day.
A favorite feeder is closed by the weight of the snow, so I had to go out and knock some of the snow off.
A downy woodpecker appreciates my efforts.
A snowbird, or junco.
It certainly was beautiful.
My favorite.  A Carolina wren with a peanut.
How much snow?  That's about 8 or 9 inches on the bird feeder, but on the patio there was a foot because there was some snow there before it started snowing.
Enough already!!!