Sunday, August 31, 2014

Monarch caterpillars

Yesterday I found four mature Monarch caterpillars on my swamp milkweed.  They will soon form a chrysalis and when they emerge will be off to Mexico.
Back on August 4th, I saw this female on the swamp milkweed in the wetland.  In light of the concern that has been expressed for the Monarchs and their migration, perhaps we should consider adding even more swamp milkweed to the wetlands to provide for the Monarchs.
This fellow looks like he is trying to eat his rear end.  Today when I looked there were no caterpillars, but I will keep looking for a chrysalis.
Here is another fun photo, to show that three is not a crowd.  Three bees on a caryopteris.
Some Virginia creeper reminds us that it will soon be September, and Fall is coming.


  1. I love the Catapillar! He is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures, I have not seen a beautiful Catapillar since I have been a child. Thank you.

  2. Is it because children are smaller and see things closer to the ground, or have we adults lost our inquisitiveness?

  3. I think, we as adults, inadvertently lose the things that matter most through our travels into adulthood. This is something I have been contemplating as of late and have course correct. Thank you for the beautiful photos.
